Executive Positions for 2023-24 Season, News, Admin (Erin-Hillsburgh Minor Hockey Association)

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Organization | Feb 28, 2023 | Justyna | 5967 views
Executive Positions for 2023-24 Season
Calling all members! 

As per our by-laws, we have 6 positions on the EHMHA Executive team that will be elected for the upcoming 2023-24 season:

Vice-President of Administration
Technical Director
House League Hockey
Rep Hockey Director
U5/7 Director

The primary goal of the Executive team is to foster a love of the game through a fun and memorable hockey experience for every player and member.  We are a team of volunteer parents, friends and family contributing behind the scenes to the success of the association as a whole.  We work as a team, respect all we interact with, and give our time to help wherever it is needed. 

Click HERE for details and information on how to apply.
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