Mar 30, 2019 | Justyna | 1337 views
Rep Coaches for 2019/20 Season
We are very pleased to announce our 2019-2020 Erin Hillsburgh Minor Hockey Association Rep coaches. These coaches are truly committed to providing a safe and positive rep experience with a focus on putting the Fun into fundamentals.
2019/20 Rep Coaches:
Mike McLeod - Novice BB
Scott McDonald - Atom BB
Tom Sadler - PeeWee BB
TBD - Bantam BB
Lee Erwin - Midget BB
This year, the Bantam BB try out will be organized by members of the Executive led by the Rep Director. Following that, we will do a call for coaches. If you have questions about this, please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected].
Please be sure to check the schedule coming out soon for the appropriate try-out for your players' age group.
EHMHA is committed to working with families to ensure that opportunities for all players are available. We are doing our very best in having organized, committed and passionate coaches in place to support the overall development of all of our players.
Whether or not you think it is a possibility that your player might be chosen to play for a rep team, we would like to invite your athletes to participate in a wonderful learning opportunity where they will benefit from the experience of some incredible coaches.
We look forward to seeing everyone at tryouts!