Local League Director Job Posting
Primary Responsibilities
* Deliver successful operations and organization of the EHMHA Local League program
* Enforce the rules, regulations and guidelines established by the EHMHA
* Lead Coach identification process
* Lead Team Grading process
* Support Bench Staff development through observation, coaching and mentoring
* Monitor teams' progress throughout the season and support as required
* Serve on the EHMHA Discipline Committee
* Stay connected with neighbouring and participating LL hockey communities
* Lead the coordination for Local League Playoffs and Champs Day
* Maintain and circulate documentation as required
* Monitor the Local League Director email account and field enquiries in a timely manner
* Liaise with EHMHA Executive members
* Carry out other duties assigned by the President and Executive Members
* The Local League Director is elected at the EHMHA Annual General Meeting (AGM) or by the EHMHA Executive and is
appointed for a term of 24 months. This role is a voting member, so there will be a contribution to the association decision-
making across all topics as required
* Estimated time commitment is 10 hours per month throughout the whole year with March and September being busier with
season opening and closing activities
* Attend EH Executive Meetings (10 per year)
* Previous experience in a minor hockey association (i.e coaching)
* Strong collaborator and communicator
* Access to internet, email, MS Word and Excel or equivalent/compatible
* A member of the EHMHA in good standing and will abide by its policies, rules and by-laws