Example: [email protected]. Your submission will be sent to this address.
Example: ###-###-####
Check All That Apply
Please indicate the birth year and current team of any children in hockey (i.e. 2009 - Under 13 LL; 2012 - Under 11 BB)
Feel free to include experience with Erin-Hillsburgh or other hockey associations, or with other sports teams.
Rank Fun, Winning, Development as contributors to a successful season
In addition to base registration fees, rep players pay the association to cover additional practice and game ice. Extra activities like tournaments, extra practice ice or exhibition games, off ice activities will be covered by a team fee determined by the coach and agreed to by the team, plus any fundraising or sponsorship.
A $200 could cover 2 tournaments, 8 extra practice ice hours, a couple of small team functions; a $500 team fee could cover 4 tournaments, 20 extra ice hours, 6 hours of development instruction, team warmup wear, a big team function)
Approximate amount expected from sponsorship donations
Approximate amount expected from Fundraising
Poker night / Dance / Bottle drive / Sales of meat etc
Please use this opportunity to include any information not previously covered that you feel is relevant to your application as coach