Chip Director Candidate - Mike McLeod, News, Admin (Erin-Hillsburgh Minor Hockey Association)

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16/17 AGM Admin | Apr 07, 2017 | EHMHA | 1554 views
Chip Director Candidate - Mike McLeod
 Mike McLeod

Hello Families.

I would like to start off by saying thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Mike McLeod and I am running for the Chip Director position with EHMHA.

I would like to tell you a bit about myself, my family and goals for the Chip Program. I am married to Brandi and we have 3 children, Grace, Trent and Scotlyn. I moved to Hillsburgh 4 years ago with Brandi. Brandi grew up in Hillsburgh and works at the Hillsburgh arena.

My previous experience was coaching in the GTHL with the Toronto Nationals and the Toronto Red Wings. I was primarily in charge of running practices and tryouts. This experience was a great way to learn how to teach children and encourage learning, but most of all I learned a big lesson, to make hockey fun no matter what the age!

These past 2 years have been a great experience. My son wanted to learn how to play hockey and this made me want to teach again. I have helped on the ice as a Volunteer coach and off the ice with fundraising in the Chip program. I enjoy seeing the smiles on the faces of the kids as we teach them new skills and show them how fun hockey can be.

My daughter Scotlyn is 2 years old. I will be around the Chip Program for many years to come and I feel that this important for the stability and growth of Chips hockey.

My vision for the Chip Program is one of growth. I want to keep the program fresh, innovative and always striving to teach the children new skills. The biggest part of teaching is making it fun for the children while learning the necessary skills to play hockey. I feel that the program should always be evolving and this would be a great way to keep the children involved with minor hockey for many years to come. If they have fun when they are young, it is more likely that they will want to continue playing hockey. My wife Brandi will be a great asset to the growth of the program. Her more than 15 plus year of watching the Chip Program on and off ice at the arena can only help it evolve.

If we can teach the necessary skills while making it fun, I feel that this can build a great base for their life and then hockey if they choose to continue playing!

Yours in hockey

Mike McLeod

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