Chip Director Candidate - Tina Sadler, News, Admin (Erin-Hillsburgh Minor Hockey Association)

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16/17 AGM Admin | Apr 07, 2017 | EHMHA | 1064 views
Chip Director Candidate - Tina Sadler

Tina Sadler

Hi Everyone,

As you already know there is an upcoming AGM on Tues April 11 at Hillsburgh Arena.  There is an election for the role of Chip Director.  There are two candidates myself and Mr. Mike McLeod.

Myself, the executive and all the applicants would love to see your participation at this meeting.  The reason you should attend is there are new rules from Hockey Canada that effect these players next year and we need to make sure the best program possible is implemented for these players development.

I would love your support as I care deeply about the CHIP program and have been involved for years and the success of this program is one of the thrills of my life, I love giving back to the CHIP kids.  I can't get on the ice and teach/coach like Mike McLeod can, but I can and have done the work behind the scene, with the players, parents, other centres and the executive group.

I look forward to serving these young athletes and if I am appointed I really hope Mike Mcleod continues his great work as a lead coach out on the ice.

Yours in Hockey.

Tina Sadler
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