Notice of 2024/25 AGM & Executive Job Postings, News (Erin-Hillsburgh Minor Hockey Association)

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Feb 28, 2025 | Justyna | 52 views
Notice of 2024/25 AGM & Executive Job Postings
Notice is hereby given that the 2025 Annual General Meeting of the members of Erin-Hillsburgh Minor Hockey Association will be held on Monday May 5th, 2025 at the time of 7:00pm, at Hillsburgh Library for the purpose of: 

· Meeting to transact business of the Association where notice and particulars are received by the Secretary in writing on or before 6:00 p.m. on April 5th, 2025.

· Elect directors / officers to the following positions due to term expiration, previous appointment or vacancy:

Board Position



VP Administration

Nomination Deadline: April 14th

two (2) year term on odd years


Nomination Deadline: April 14th

two (2) year term on odd years

Technical Director

Nomination Deadline: April 14th

two (2) year term on odd years

Rep Hockey Director

Nomination Deadline: April 14th

two (2) year term on odd years

U5/7 Director

Nomination Deadline: April 14th

two (2) year term on odd years

If you are interested in getting involved in one of the positions listed above, please complete the 
nomination form and email it [email protected] no later than April 14th, 2025. Applicants will be voted in during the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

·Appoint auditors

·Voting on any proposed amendments to the Bylaws & Ratify decisions of the 2024 Board of Directors

If you are unavailable to attend the Annual General Meeting, you may vote by proxy, by obtaining and completing a proxy form from the Association and returning it to the secretary before the start of the annual general meeting.  The proxy holder appointed may be either the Secretary or the President of the Association, or alternatively another person who represents no more than one other Member at such meeting by proxy.

Dated this 20th day of February, 2025
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
Isabelle Roussy
EHMHA Secretary
[email protected]


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1 Gold Sponsor - Marc's Your Independent Grocer
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Heatherlea Farm - Community Partner
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1 Gold Sponsor - Ann Shanahan Team
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2 Silver - High Five Photography
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