Dear Members,
Your EHMHA executive group has been hard at work all summer staying connected, and working on possible scenarios for fall programming. We are still waiting for direction from the OMHA and the Town of Erin. As soon as we get the green light, we will be ready to go!
The OHF Return to Play framework was released on June 10. We are currently in Phase 2, Stage 2 of the OHF Return to Play process. This phase of the OHF plan allows for individual in-person, on-ice training, virtual group training and in-person on-ice group development programming (with no more than 10 people). In accordance with the Ontario Government's Emergency order, the opening and controlled use of sports facilities is permitted for use by sports organizations and private businesses. However, the OMHA, our governing body, is not approving any on-ice programming for its Associations before August 4th. Additional information on OMHA Covid-19 protocols can be found here:
There is no specific timeline on when we will be able to proceed to later stages within Phase 2, this will be dependent on the Provincial Government mandates, public health stipulations and further direction from Hockey Canada. We have been informed that Hockey Canada has various seasonal models with different start times (September, October etc.)
We have not been advised of any specific details about these but it is anticipated that topics such as tryouts, season length and playoffs will be incorporated and adjusted in accordance to the start time.
We will update our membership as soon as we have any additional information.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Please visit our website for all the latest and most up to date information.
EHMHA Executive