Calling all members!
We have two additional positions on the EHMHA Executive team open for applicants: Local League Director and Fundraising Director.
The 2018-19 incumbents were appointed which means we are required, according to our By-Laws, to open the positions to applicants for the upcoming season.
The primary goal of the Executive team is to foster a love of the game through a fun and memorable hockey experience for every player and member.
We are a team of volunteer parents, friends and family contributing behind the scenes to the success of the association as a whole.
We work as a team, respect all we interact with, and give our time to help wherever it is needed.
If you are interested in getting involved by applying to one of the positions listed below, please email [email protected] no later than April 21, 2019.
Applicants will be voted in during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 15th, 2019.
1. Local League Director - CLICK HERE to read more about the role
2. Fundraising Director - CLICK HERE to read more about the role