The majority of your registration fees go to ice and refs; the second largest cost is external admin (inc OMHA fees and insurance).
For a full breakdown ->
All registrants - local league, rep, chip - pay a basic registration fee; rep players pay an additional rep fee for a total fee of approx twice that paid by local league in the same age division.
The overwhelming majority of fees paid to the association goes directly towards game and practice costs (ice and refs). The higher rep team fee covers a larger number of games, and a higher budget for practice ice time including full ice practices.
The second largest % goes to fixed external admin costs including OMHA registration fee and insurance.
The breakdown below is a sample age group showing the % breakdown for both rep and local league registration fees.
Except for ice and refs, all costs are the same for all age groups. Older age groups have longer games and therefore higher ice and ref costs.
This example is provided to give an order of magnitude breakdown of where your registration fees go.