E.H.M.H.A. Code of Conduct
Membership in the E.H.M.H.A. is not a right – it is a privilege. Members must abide by the Constitution and Bylaws and their behaviour is expected to mirror the spirit of this Code.
All members of the E.H.M.H.A. shall respect other O.M.H.A. and E.H.M.H.A. members, officials, parents, players, team officials, volunteers and Executive Committee members; this also extends to the facilities that activities operate in, and those employed within those facilities. Any inappropriate conduct, harassment or abuse (includes the use of profanity) directed towards game or team officials, parents, players, volunteers, or Executive Committee members of the E.H.M.H.A., O.M.H.A. or of another Association will not be tolerated.
All members of the E.H.M.H.A. shall respect the game of hockey and shall behave in a manner so as not to make a travesty of the game.
Violation by a member of any provision of this Code of Conduct may result in an immediate and indefinite family (including player) suspension or expulsion from the E.H.M.H.A.
In the event of an alleged violation of the Code of Conduct, the Risk Management Chairperson, shall be notified immediately and they shall convene a hearing of the Risk Management Committee as soon as practical. The Committee shall consist of the Chairman, or the President or his/her designate and three other members of the Executive.