We are excited that the OMHA has approved our Return to Play plan and we will be on the ice starting September 21st. Team formation and scheduling is in progress.
We have outlined the key parts of our plan below:
-We will start the season off with skill development commencing September 21, 2020 lasting for approx. 4 weeks
-By mid-October we will move to modified game play - teams will consist of a maximum 9 players and 1 goalie.
-Games will consist of 3 on 3, or 4 on 4.Teams will be playing within a cohort of a maximum 50 players (5 teams).
-There will be a joint cohort set up with the Orangeville Minor Hockey Assoc. for most Competitive & Local League Divisions
-There will be minor and major age groups for most competitive divisions
-Local League teams will have some divisions split into major and minor and some divisions will be combined, all based on number of registrants and most will play within the joint Orangeville cohort.
-U16-U21 age groups will form their own cohort within our organization- there will not be a joint cohort with Orangeville Minor Hockey
-Once the teams have been selected, there will be no interaction (practices, off ice training, etc.) with other teams from outside of the cohort.
-Physical distancing guidelines must be followed while on the ice and there will be NO body contact at any level.
This is an overview and due to the constant changes, things could be modified at any time. These are unprecedented times and your understanding and patience is required.
We will be providing additional guidelines in the coming days, on what protocols and procedures are to be followed when arriving at the arena.
We are excited to provide the opportunity for kids of all levels to get back on the ice and to the game they love. Erin-Hillsburgh Minor Hockey Association is a proud member of the OMHA and sanctioned by Hockey Canada. We follow the
Long Term Player Development model - which encourages life-long physical activity and informed healthy lifestyle choices with participation in hockey long after the competitive years.
Additonal Resources:
OMHA Covid-19 Resources
EHMHA Covid-19 Resources
Thanks to everyone who has registered so far.
Registration is still open, please visit our
Please note that our U10-U15 Competitive Divisions are now full and any new registrations are being placed in the LL division or will be wait listed.
If you have any questions or require further info please don't hesitate to reach out!
Please contact
[email protected] if you would like to be added to our mailing list!
Go Devils!